PlaygroundSquad is a higher vocational education (yrkeshögskola), as designated by Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education
We are the result of the real needs of the labor market and our goal is getting students into employment as soon as possible. Our advisory board and the games industry itself is what dictactes our curriculum, assuring that students are equipped with the correct knowledge to get a job as quickly as possible. We accept 35 applicants yearly.
The education comprises 400 HVE-credits (YH-poäng). Upon graduation, you will receive a Higher Vocational Education Diploma.

Our three disciplines - Artist, Designer, and Programmer - cover the majority of positions within the industry. This allows students to work together during our three Game Projects in a manner that is very much like an actual game production.
We are practical in everything we do, and value a "learn by doing" approach highly. We push your knowledge further by continuously moving from "learner courses" where the aim is to get your skills up to par as quickly as possible, to even more practical learning by allowing you to put your newfound knowledge to the test in Game Projects together with other students.
Our teachers are always available to help and advise students, sharing their own knowledge gained through previous work in the games industry. They are always on-site and never farther away than an instant message. We believe that continuous feedback is crucial to allow your knowledge to truly blossom, and we also know that unexpected things happen, so we're always on-hand.

The PlaygroundSquad facilities are open 24/7 (with the exception of major holidays) for those who want to spend some extra time either honing their craft or playing games with other students outside regular school hours.
Students are eligible to apply for student housing at Kopparstaden.
Once you have been accepted to PlaygroundSquad, you are eligible to apply for student housing at Kopparstaden, providing you with an affordable place to stay during your studies. They offer a wide range of housing, with everything from unfurnished apartments to furnished student corridors.
Despite this, we recommend prospective students to register in the housing queue to start racking up queue points. This improves your chances of landing the apartment you would truly like, and allows you to have one-up on everybody else.
For more information, please visit Kopparstaden's student portal.