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Collab with PSQ

Are you looking for students to do internships at your studio, or are you a business wanting to collab with PSQ in some sort of way?

Mixed images border from PSQ Game Artist students

PlaygroundSquad is a Higher Vocational Education

We are the result of the real needs of the labor market, and our goal is to get students into employment as soon as possible. 

And that's where YOU come in!

Education and industry live in symbiosis. The same applies to the gaming industry.

Without us, no you, and without you, no PSQ (hey, that rhymed!) To be able to continue to exist and maintain the quality required,  Game Dev Schools need to have a good relationship with game studios. That's why WE want to work with YOU.

Therefore, it's essential that industry and education work together. Work with PSQ!

Collab with PSQ!



Come visit us whenever you want!

We will organize PSQ Biz' Week, week 16, 2023 (17 - 21 April), where studios and businesses are welcome to meet our students on-site in Falun. Of course, you are welcome to visit us whenever it suits you too!

Which skill do you need?


Our Game Artists learns the core skills in Game Graphics for two years. It covers the basics of 3D modeling, texturing, concept development, animation, and more. During education, students also get a great deal of freedom in designing their assignments.

At the end of semesters 1, 2 & 3, the students demonstrate their new knowledge and skills in larger game projects created with the students in design and game programming.

Game Designers at PSQ learn the fundamentals of developing concepts and ideas for games as well as hands-on learning with implementation and game creation. The designers know project management as they lead all presentations with the game projects.

The students work with scripts and game editing programs (Unity, Unreal, etc.) as tools to create gaming experiences. Before the internship, the curriculum focus on practical execution and advanced theory.

The curriculum for Game Programmers provides a broad area of knowledge with room for specialist knowledge. The education includes three game development courses focusing on programming in C++. After each period, students can use their knowledge in a game project.

The students learn rendering and gain knowledge in AI, Game Physics, Networking, and much more. The education contains much practical learning, encouraging students to work towards their own goals.

Om Utb
Åsa Wilson, HR-chef, Avalanche Stduios.

Åsa Wilson,
Chief People Officer


“PlaygroundSquad is one of our most important and valuable sources of getting new talent into the game industry. “

Nicole Åkerlid, HR-ansvarig MACHINE GAMES.

Nicole Åkerlid,
HR Administrator


"PSQ is one of the leading schools in Sweden for developing bright and reliable future employees for the game industry. They are a trusted resource, and we are happy to collaborate with them."


When is the PSQ Internship period?

18 Nov 2024 – 13 June 2025

About PSQ's Internship period:

The PSQ internships' purpose is to give the student an insight into the professional role of the gaming industry. The student must be able to use her knowledge from the education in the work process used at a company in the gaming industry.

The purpose of the internship is also for the student to be allowed to get employment after the internship period. Therefore the students at PlaygroundSquad have their internship period at the end of their education to make the transition to work as smooth as possible.

The internship is the future game developer's direct introduction to the industry. It is also a crucial junior recruitment and a way to ensure any skills shortage in the gaming industry.

Through the internship, you, as a studio, receive students and have the opportunity to shape the student according to company needs. Internship periods are an excellent opportunity to find potential future staff.

Through 8 months of internship and possibly 6 months of probationary employment afterward, this can be a good opportunity for game studios to shape the student so it fits your studio while giving the student the knowledge of her lifetime.


Our unique collab with SONY PlayStation® First

PlaygroundSquad is proud to be part of SCEE's leading academic development program, granting students exclusive access to their range of Sony PlayStation® development kits.

PlayStation controller iwth blue light
PSQ students Game testing at school.

Advisory Board

Be part of shaping tomorrow's game developers and influencing future needs. You can help quench the industry's thirst for people. By being a member of PlaygroundSquad's advisory board team, you are involved in the training design to keep it relevant and beneficial to the industry and future skills needs. Here you also have the opportunity to come up with suggestions for lesson material.

Our advisory board includes experts from the gaming industry. Their knowledge helps us with guidance and expertise to adapt our curricula to what the market wants and to meet the needs of the gaming industry.

DICE logo
Machine Games logo
Rovio logo
Dalarna Science Park logo
King studios logo
Megafront logo
Avalanche Studios logo
Falu kommun logo
Goodbye Kansas Group logo
Högskolan Dalarna logo


As a mentor, you get to care for students, and they get to have an open dialogue with a professional in the industry (AKA you.) Take one or more students under your wing and guide them through tasks. The students can ask their mentor for feedback, ask questions - maybe get some tips and tricks. A mentor can also act as a sounding board for the students.

PSQ students programming on a computer at school.

Study visits

Opportunity to receive students, brag about your business and show off your studios from your absolute best side. Simply tell us why you are the best.

Two people infront of a lit up logo saying Coffee Stain
Mentorskap & Studiebesök
PlayStation First


Take the opportunity to meet future game developers and simultaneously tell them about your business, profession, or project. Show off a little and get our students' eyes on your studio, work, or professional role. You can compose customized tests for the students to see their specific competencies or just talk loudly in front of an excited audience.

PlagroundSquad lecture room.
PlaygroundSquad classroom.

Declaration of intent

The game industry cannot access fast and future recruitment without Game Development Schools. So, the various companies and studios play a considerable role as you receive the students we train and who influence the gaming industry of the future. With a Declaration of Intent, PlaygroundSquad establishes its relevance for the industry for HVE (Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education).


Interested in knowing more?

Please contact Patrik Hillerström, PlaygroundSquad Business Partnership Manager

+46 (0)70 -33 99 554

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